Flikflix - Movie Recommendation App

Ruan Martinelli

Backend Engineer
Google Cloud Platform

Flikflix is an app that learns about your movie preferences and recommends new titles that match your taste.

You can swipe movies in a tinder-like interface and choose between liked, disliked, loved, and not watched. Flikflix also lets you filter suggestions by streaming platforms that you have, so you get recommendations that are a few clicks away.

Another cool feature of Flikflix is the Matchmaker. You can create a group with friends and receive suggestions for titles that are a good match for both of you.

Key Responsibilities

  • Led the backend team
  • Implemented key features of the app - the recommendation engine, integration with TMDB movie database, and integrations with Guidebox
  • Maitained the API using Golang, Google Cloud, and PostgreSQL


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