Real-time 3D Drilling Solution

Loc Huynh

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Cinema 4D


Halliburton real-time operations enables performance improvements at almost every step of the drilling process. Navigating drilling hazards requires ever-increasing levels of vigilance. Intuitive and user-driven, This application is a highly efficient real-time data monitoring application that gives you a consistent view of your drilling data across your operations as it comes in from the rig. It enables you to unlock an immersive real-time environment and collaborate with your team like never before

Consistent well delivery with automated drilling

The Automated Drilling Solution uses physics-based models to project the well path to avoid collisions, precisely steer and manage vibration and pressure parameters.
By creating digital twins of a reservoir, Halliburton drilling engineers can project complex drilling scenarios and geological uncertainty in real-time. This enables you to visualize the outcome and use data analytics to optimize the current drill plan.
The expertise of Halliburton and power of TADS work with you every step of the way to help optimize productive footage, increase well consistency, reduce well time, and help maximize the value of your assets.
One single view shown at a given time
When the view is adjusted (e.g. side, drill, etc) certain angles and options are reduced
Specific points of focus based on the task and/or view
Movement flexibility, but not god mode

Initial Starting Visuals

ISO Concept

One focused view at a time
Multiple viewing angles
Real-time 3d movement
Predefined functions and options depending on view selection
Multiple views for the task inquiry at hand


The individual joints of the drill pipe are called a “Single”. The “Singles” are then further identified by their length. Specifically, the lengths are identified using a three-part API length range, so the lengths will be classified as a one, two or a three. The most common length of drill pipes is range two. This is important, because when looking to determine the depth of drilling, you need to exactly take into account the length of the drill string (including the drill pipe)

Hi-Fidelity Design

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