Barium Live, a Business Process Management Platform
Jonatan Hilmarch
Fullstack Engineer
Sep 2018 - Dec 2019
Barium was founded in Gothenburg in 1995 with a vision to deliver smart IT support that simplifies everyday life for companies and organizations. The product Barium Live has been a cloud service in the "Business Process Management Platform" segment since 2009 and is a tool for digitizing business processes.
The Barium Live platform is an ASP.NET web application with a focus on quality and security. As proof of this, the product is security classified according to ISO 27001. The system has many functions divided into several modules:
A drawing tool for modelling and configuring processes according to the BPMN standard. Standardized rules, scripts, listeners, and integration connections can be added to the model, but there is also the possibility of specific customizations with Barium's script service or business components written by developers at Barium or partners.
A tool for creating and displaying forms with an associated rule engine.
A process engine that runs the deployed applications.
Standardized and customized lists for displaying tasks.
Pages for overview and administration.
A login portal with advanced support for corporate logins (Identity Providers).
An integration client that can be installed at customers using the platform locally (on premise).
Barium Live
Jonatan participated in a team consisting of a work leader, product owner, three developers, and three testers. The work methodology was KANBAN. As a developer, Jonatan participated in daily stand-ups, workshops, backlog refinement, wrote user stories, programmed test-driven, and reviewed colleagues' code. The tasks were mainly of a maintenance nature back-end with limited opportunities for major changes. Restructuring has been done for more manageable code but not for any changes in architecture.
The most extensive and time-consuming task Jonatan participated in was data deletion and erasure for GDPR compliance.