Scheduling for Sporveien's Public Transport Drivers

Jonatan Hilmarch

Dot Net Backend Developer
Microsoft Exchange Server
Sporveien AS

Jul 2015 - Oct 2015


Sporveien is Norway's largest provider of public transport with over 200 million journeys every year. Sporveien operates all rail-based public transport with trams and subways in Oslo and Akershus. They also operate contracted bus services and are responsible for stations, tunnels, and buildings.
Sporveien's drivers have work hours and meeting places that can be difficult to manage. Work shifts usually do not start on the hour but at completely random times. Meeting places vary depending on which routes are to be driven. To help drivers get control of this, Tjenestekalenderen has been built, which provides the user with this information in the calendar on their mobile phones.
Work schedules are retrieved from the source system Hastus to Tjenestekalenderen. Tjenestekalenderen creates and updates meeting invitations for drivers on trams and subways as well as ticket inspectors in the email system Exchange. The focus has been on developing a stable service with flexible configuration to gradually add more users in production.


Jonatan started on the project when Tjenestekalenderen was a prototype, where the main task was to get a first version into production. A Windows service with automatic distribution was set up.


C#, SQL Server, T-SQL, Entity Framework, Log4Net, Git, TeamCity, Exchange Web Services, Ninject, Robocopy, JIRA
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