Mobile App (Findly) - Design and Development

Stephanie Fernandes

Mobile Engineer
Frontend Engineer
UI Designer
UI Design, Back-end, Front-end

Problem Statement

Movie and TV show lovers often face decision fatigue when choosing what to watch. With countless options across various streaming platforms, it’s easy to spend more time browsing than viewing. Users need a quick, intuitive way to find tailored recommendations that match their preferences and moods.

Core Features

🗸 Users can select their current mood to receive personalized recommendations.
🗸 Machine learning algorithms analyse user preferences over time to provide increasingly accurate suggestions.
🗸 Bookmark recommended titles to easily access them in the future.
🗸 Find the perfect movie or TV show by applying filters for genres or other criteria to get instant recommendations.
🗸 Swipe left to skip a suggestion or right to add it to your watchlist.
🗸 All added movies and TV shows are conveniently displayed on your personal page for easy access.

Developed with

Android Studio, Java, Firebase, REST API, The Movie Database API
Partner With Stephanie
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