Motion Design 💠UpdraftPlus

Jeremy ✨

Interaction Designer
Motion Designer
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator


UpdraftPlus is one of the world’s most popular WordPress backup, restore, and migration plugins, trusted by millions of website owners to safeguard their content. With advanced features like scheduled backups, cloning, and migration, it offers a seamless solution for managing website data.
My Role
Within just two weeks, I delivered motion designs that elevated UpdraftPlus’s user experience and feature promotion efforts. I was tasked with producing teaser animations for their Cloning Feature, crafting engaging visuals to demonstrate its functionality.
Additionally, I designed micro-interactions to improve the in-app experience, focusing on delight and usability.

Key Deliverable

I designed two distinct motion flows to showcase the Cloning Feature.
Cloning your Website Flow #1
Highlighted the cloning process through the central Nav bar with an intuitive step-by-step animation to simplify understanding
Sound On 🔊
Cloning your website flow #2
Created an engaging narrative-style teaser emphasizing speed and ease of use showing the cloning process through the dashboard
Sound On 🔊

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