How Sex & the City Shaped Female Relationships?

Alexa Bouhelier-Ruelle

Article Writer
SEO Writer
When it first aired on HBO back in 1998, “Sex and the City” was a revolutionary show given its content (a whole lot of sex), the way said content was explored (openly, without the use of any beeping) and whom it was explored by (four thirty-something, mostly single women). Like all things revolutionary, it contended with a whole lot of criticism throughout its six-year run. So yes, “SATC” taught women a lot about fashion and sex. And yet, one of the core aspects of the series seems to resonate more than ever when visualized through the prism of a time defined by sadness, anxiety, panic and an almost complete disregard for our mental health. It taught us the importance of female friendships. (LINK TO CONTINUE READING)


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