10 Ways to Support Your Local Artisans

Leena Naidoo


Blog Writer

SEO Writer

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Ever wondered what you could do to help your favorite local artisan beyond telling them you love their stuff? These 10 ideas are a great place to start!

1) Commission unique work from your local artisans using local material where possible.

In this way, you can enjoy being a benefactor twice over: to the local economy—helping to strengthen it—and to the environment. By sourcing local material, your local artisan is passing on your support to other local and regional businesses. What’s good for one is—in this case—good for many!

2) Be sure to stop by your local artisan stalls at markets and their stores in town or in the country.

Even if you don’t buy a piece at every visit, artisans are encouraged by people showing interest in their work. Your presence can also bring in other curious folk who may begin supporting local artisans, too.
Most artisans price their products fairly and often run specials at local markets. Once you factor in shipping costs, import duties and other taxes levied on international (or shipped online and store-bought items), locally-produced items may begin to look a lot more attractive cost-wise.

3) Like and boost local artisan social media posts. Become a regular at their stores or follow them on social media to see their new offerings and stock.

Much like stopping by their stalls and stores, boosting and liking social media posts helps others find the artisan’s work while a regular browse ensures you get to know their work better and spot that ideal gift for someone special. This also informs artisans what people like so they can plan their new projects with that in mind.

4) Involve artisans in councils and civic decisions that impact their livelihood, such as developments in foraging areas.

Cutting away the right to forage or the availability of local material results in one of two things: the end of the artisan’s means of earning, or the end of locally sourcing material. One is a tragedy, and the other is an economic setback for more than just the artisan.
Do you have a great way to support local artisans? Have you done something similar to support your local artisan? Let us know in the comments.

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Posted May 14, 2024

Ever wondered what you could do to help your favorite local artisan beyond telling them you love their stuff? This blog post details 10 ideas to get you starte…






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Leena Naidoo

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