Event Coordination

Jona Azizaj

Event Planner

I have a deep and multifaceted experience in event planning, particularly within the tech community. Over the years, I have successfully organized numerous events, ranging from international conferences to local community meetups. My role involves meticulous management of logistics, coordination with speakers and sponsors, and ensuring that every event runs smoothly. I prioritize diversity and inclusion, creating events that are welcoming and accessible to all participants. My efforts have consistently fostered collaborative and supportive environments, bringing community members together to share knowledge and build connections.

One of my notable experiences includes leading initiatives that bridge the gap between different segments of the tech community. This involves not only logistical planning but also strategic outreach and engagement to ensure high participation and meaningful interactions. My expertise extends to creating ambassador programs that empower community members to take active roles in events, further enhancing the sense of community and shared purpose.

Overall, my approach to event planning is comprehensive and inclusive, ensuring that each event is not only successful in terms of attendance and engagement but also impactful in fostering long-term community growth and collaboration.

🎉 Portfolio: Events Coordination

📌 Machine Learning Prague (2020 - 2024)

Opening speech of MLPrague 2024
Opening speech of MLPrague 2024

- In 2020, when the event transitioned to an online format, I managed the entire event production, community, and partnerships collaborations.

- Currently, I lead event partnerships, finding new partners and coordinating closely with stakeholders to ensure their presence at the event.

🔗 Website: /

📌 Fedora Week of Diversity (2021 - 2024)

FWD 2024
FWD 2024

- Lead event organizer and project manager.

- Coordinate event planning, team meetings, deadlines/milestones, and provide support to community members when they need help.

- Manage the event's online platform, which includes coordinating with stakeholders to set up necessary tools such as Matrix, Jitsi, Pretalx, and Pretix, as well as creating guidelines for attendees.

- Conduct follow-ups with attendees, speakers, and the team post-event.

🔗 Planning repository:

📌 Fedora Mentor Summit & Flock (2022 - 2024)

Group photo of Flock 2023
Group photo of Flock 2023

- Lead event organizer and event ideator for the Fedora Mentor Summit.

- In 2022, we organized the event online, and since 2023, the event has been hybrid.

- Manage the event's Call for Proposals (CFP), review applications, and build the agenda.

- Handle event production, project management, and support team members when needed.

🔗 Planning repository:

📌 Fedora Appreciation Week (2018 and 2023)

FAW 2023
FAW 2023

- Last year, I led the event organization for Fedora Appreciation Week.

- I managed all event communications, promotion schedules, coordination with stakeholders, post-event follow-ups, and metrics.

🔗 Article:

📌 Global Travel Hackathon (2019)

Global Travel Hackathon 2019
Global Travel Hackathon 2019

- Main organizer of the Global Travel Hackathon, which was held in three locations: Barcelona, London, and Belgrade.

- Responsible for event ideation, including establishing rules, project submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and forming juries.

- My role in this event includes planning across all three locations, managing event production and logistics, coordinating attendees and evaluations, securing speakers and mentors, conducting post-event follow-ups, and coordinating with stakeholders to determine and announce the winner of the hackathon.

🔗 Planning repository:

📌 Women in Tech Conference (2019)

WiT 2019, in Brno, CZ
WiT 2019, in Brno, CZ

- The Women in Tech conference was held in Brno, Czech Republic, and I was part of the organizing team.

- My role consisted of finding speakers for the event and coordinating logistics with them.

- I also hosted a panel discussion during the event, with the topic "My Way to Tech."

🔗 Article: and videos

📌 Central Europe Tech Week (2019)

CE Tech Week 2019
CE Tech Week 2019

- A week full of Tech events, where we brought the most talented people from the IT world to Prague, Brno, and Bratislava.

- I led the speaker coordination area, where I was responsible for finding speakers for our events, reaching out to them, coordinating travel logistics, and managing agenda details.

🔗 Videos from the event:

📌 Open Source Conference Albania - OSCAL (2014 - 2018)

OSCAL 2016 group photo
OSCAL 2016 group photo

- As a board member of the Open Labs Hackerspace, I've been part of the organizing team for OSCAL for five years.

- Throughout different editions of OSCAL, my responsibilities have included coordinating speakers, managing partners, coordinating volunteers, venue coordination, and project management.

🔗 Website:

📌 LibreOffice Conference (2018)

LibOCon 2018 group photo
LibOCon 2018 group photo

- The LibreOffice conference rotates countries each year. In 2018, it was in Tirana, Albania, organized by Open Labs, where I led the local team.

- In this role, I focused on project management, coordinating with partners, managing venue logistics, and tracking the budget.

🔗 Website:

📌 48H Free Open Source Hackathon (2017)

Open speech
Open speech

- In 2017, we organized the first-ever 48-hour "open source" hackathon focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

- As the project coordinator for the event, I managed communication with attendees and handled venue logistics, while also ensuring that other team members delivered their respective tasks on time.

🔗 Article:

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