Pack Protocol – NFT platform for Create and sell packs filled wi

Umar Aji Pratama


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


About the project

Pack protocol is one of the NFTs that Bundle arbitrary crypto assets as rewards into fungible packs. that allows users to create and sell packs filled with rewards. with Airdrop or sell packs to the audience. Engage the entire audience with a chance to win exclusive rewards without reducing the bottom line, and allow users to open a pack to receive a reward to make the process exciting, Packs are limited supply, fungible tokens. users can be open for a reward or sold on a secondary market. and Reward rarity backed by the blockchain with Smart contracts ensures there are no backdoor winners. and the chance of receiving a particular reward from a pack is determined by the supplies of the rewards.
Above the fold with Mockup
Above the fold with Mockup

The client

Pack Protocol is one of the NFT platforms that allows users to create and sell packs filled with rewards with Bundle arbitrary crypto assets as rewards into fungible packs.
Landingpage Preview
Landingpage Preview

The challenge

The primary goal of Packprotocol building this website was to tell how the platform works and explain the core features more easily to the users, for the core features of this website include how users can sell their packs to their audiences, how users open the packs when they are given rewards, and explain to the users that the reward rarity backed by the blockchain. and the client wants to build this design from scratch including Logo/branding and web design as well.
Landingpage Assets
Landingpage Assets

The solution

With a new visual identity and website, I try to create a consistent look and playful design with illustrations asset and feel across all sections with illustrations on the header and for each section below, the reason why I put the illustrations on the section is for users to understand the explanation on each section easily.
Landingpage Result
Landingpage Result

Thank you ✨

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Pack protocol is one of the NFTs that Bundle arbitrary crypto assets as rewards into fungible packs. that allows users to create and sell packs filled with rewa






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


Umar Aji Pratama

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