Moxion Branding

Daria Ivanova

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Visual Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Moxion Power

Moxion Power is a cutting-edge energy solutions company specializing in advanced power systems for various industries.

My Role: At Moxion Power, my responsibility was to scale the brand identity and establish comprehensive brand guidelines. Building upon the existing logo and color palette, I developed a robust brand book that provided clear directions on how to effectively use the brand elements. 

Additionally, I created a Figma toolkit to streamline the design process and ensure consistency across all visual materials. My work ensured that Moxion Power's brand was presented cohesively and professionally across all platforms.

Logo Guidelines
Color Palette

By establishing comprehensive brand guidelines, upgrading the visual design for product design, and building executive presentations, I have played a pivotal role in shaping the company's visual identity. Creating a new Brand Design toolkit and supporting both the Marketing and Product teams have been instrumental in achieving brand consistency across the organization.

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