Poetry clips

Chloë Rivière


Creative Writer


Here are excerpts from a few of my poems that have been published on my website, The Dawn Chorus.

Lightfast Grief

Themes: grief, depression

I know what forever is, it’s the illusion of Light. Nothing lasts but my heart. There is no tunnel, no end in sight. I will be watching as every beautiful flower — Conduits of love, keepers of Light — Grow weak and wither before my wide eyes. The world fades and I am doomed to remain, to move on with the planet, Tirelessly spinning and bringing me further from my own life — never a reward in sight. Time took away the laughter from my childhood. The truth slithered in between my teeth, It left behind a trail of regrets. I watched fallen petals spell out the end Before they even hit the ground beneath. My garden is a travesty, my smile is a burial ground. [...]

Alien Matter

Themes: loneliness, belonging, introversion

The Darkness envelops the deep sadness within, the melancholy akin; my heavy self. The Mal du Siècle never ended, I carry its mark on my aching soul; I am bound In silence, To the Darkness, To the stars; The spleen. [...]

More than Bones

Themes: death, youth, fear and passion

Maybe I should learn to dance Hand in hand with the clock? Dance as the remaining grains Of sand drop; Let go, let go, let go—no. Hold on tighter! Embrace fiercely! Be a fool for love, for Light! And, let the fear set us on fire, Turn the sand into glass So that our memories last, Preserved in a frozen clock; So that we can be more Than a sand pile, Than dust; So we can become more than bones.

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Posted Sep 16, 2024

Excerpts from some of my poems published on The Dawn Chorus.






Creative Writer


Chloë Rivière

The passionate wordsmith your project is longing for.

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