Inspirational blog post

Chloë Rivière

Blog Writer


Title: Momentum: the passe-partout that unlocks your motivation and everything else.
Published on: the Dawn Chorus' website
Date: 18 June 2024
Type: long-form (~3000 words) blog post
This article covers the topics of motivation and productivity in a structured blog post. It uses etymology to support the narrative of momentum being the key to getting things done, and gently invites the audience to take action.

About the client

The Dawn Chorus (TDC) is my own personal website where I release poems, stories, and blog. Each post is therefore infused with my personality but demonstrate my abilities nonetheless.


In summary, motivation is this elusive power that could change your life, if only you could control it. You either aren’t born with it or you are never in the right place to catch it in your net. It’s out of reach, at times, and other times, relies on the mercy of the Gods above.
Nonetheless, I want to note that, as with most legends, there might be some truth to these… I do believe that timing and self-discipline are important pieces of this puzzle.💃🌙
Even if those fairies are real and can offer you a boost of mojo, the quote from Picasso goes:
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”
If the generous fairy of creativity is approaching you and notices that you are not able to accept her magic right this moment, she will grumpily pass you by and take her gifts to a more welcoming home.
As much as that might work, just like in most things in life, there is another way where you lead with the gentle pull of your heart instead of the brute force of capitalism.
Self-discipline remains crucial to achieving anything, but it doesn’t have to be a blood-bath. Self-discipline is another way to practice self-care, looking after your life and future…
While we might commonly think of something gentle to be slow, inefficient or weak, it is far from all that. Gentle means:
a soft but firm embrace,
carried with faith,
accepted, heard & seen…
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