💚 Hart Print GIF

Salvatore Sammartino

Graphic Designer
2D Animator
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Hart Print

Hart Print - "if you can, we can" ✊

I worked within hARTLAB design team as a student graphic designer. My projects included​​​​​​​ illustrations on cans, prints in the office, and social media posts. I created these GIF under the supervision of the art director. She guided me and help me grow my animation talent. I was in charge of creating and publishing gifs to be used on Instagram.


More GIF available on my channel


The first set is the company branding: Hart print logo, motivation quote and the design team logo. They would be used on our Instagram story.


The second set of GIF are marketing animation to promote their unique cans. They're 100% recyclable cans printed directly on the material and not a sticker. Lastly, the middle animation is used whenever we would redesign a client's can. It would represent a "level-up" when we would create a whole new awesome design.


Hart Print launched "une canette à notre santé" to donate for COVID-19 research. I got to add a rainbow to the customer's artwork. These would be printed and sold at any dispensary. This project was to help local breweries during these hard times.

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