Same-day delivery service driver app

Farandi Hafid


Mobile Designer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist


Context & Problem

Drivers are not interested in taking the delivery order because low fare and high distance in delivery trip

RaraNow as a logistics service want to provide low delivery cost for the user that sends package, but on the same time it’s also have to provide a right incentive for the driver/courier to deliver the package.
Other problems that felt by the driver with the current app:
The low fare deemed as not worth it since the driver also taking orders from GoSend and GrabExpress
Manual routing and dispatching of packages can be time-consuming and may result in suboptimal routes, leading to longer delivery times and increased operational costs
No other incentives for drivers apart from the delivery fare


A new app with intelligent routing and improved tracking and communication tools

This new technology would help to increase the effectiveness of the drivers in some way:
Receiving batch order with moderate distance but many delivery points, so it would increase the incentive but lower the total effort given
Improving tracking system and in-app messaging so the sender and driver could communicate better, it would also reduce the friction along the delivery
Performance analysis for driver to see the bigger picture of their effort and also opens the possibility for bonus scheme in the future

Process & Result

150% new drivers registered in the first month after launch, and 30% increase in delivery order succeeded

Good number, but unfortunately the company have to shut down not long after the release.
The product development process is suffered with the same problem which is lot of dependencies between multiple products in the ecosystem, that makes the project stretched out from just 6 months to almost 12 months.
The research conducted by my team captured the pain points of the driver stated in the problem section, but the execution we tried too hard only to solve business needs which is the efficiency of completing delivery.
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Posted Jul 31, 2023

A new mobile app project designed from scratch and delivered until testing and release. 150% new user acquisition after release.






Mobile Designer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist


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