Warehouse Supply Chain Management

Yash pal

Backend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Software Architect
Medkart Pharmacy
Designed and Developed a Warehouse supply chain management application using Laravel, React, and Postgresql. Along with Redis, and Nodejs, deployed on AWS.


This was developed to efficiently manage and optimize operations of a warehouse of an organization that has multiple stores in different geolocations, and different customer bases.

Key Functionalities

It has Order Processing, it fetches livestock from all its affiliated stores in real-time, and studies that data.
It Utilizes AI/ML algorithms to determine item quantity, and consumption of items at store and generate new orders for that store for the items.
Once orders are created for all stores, it processes those orders and allocates stock from warehouse stocks as per availability, store requirements, delivery location, and delivery possibility.
Once all stores have their stock allocated, it generates their pick note, which is a store-order-wise report that consists of items, quantity, and their location in the warehouse to help the items picker pick the correct item promptly with a user-friendly UI.
Once a picker collects all items and is confirmed by the operator, it generates its invoice and dispatches it.
Also, it keeps checking the stock of items at the warehouse and uses the same AI/ML algorithms to determine the requirements of items to place new orders to its vendor for procurements at the warehouse too.

Tech Stacks

Laravel, Reactjs, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, Redis, Python, AWS.


This uses AWS services for deployments and other resources, like s3 instances, Elastic, Cache server, and Auto Scaling to ensure scalability, reliability, and optimal performance.
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