Web Portal for Tribal Welfare Schemes

Yash pal

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Government of Maharashtra
Designed and Developed a Web App for tribal communities to collect data and plan better schemes for them based on their data.


This web portal was developed to demonstrate positive impacts on the tribal community and streamline the workflow for government officials.

Key Functionalities

This web app is a comprehensive web portal for people of tribal communities to collect their data from a user-friendly UI.
Once data is collected it creates multiple intuitive dashboards for government officials.
So they can see and study that data and plan better schemes for the community as per their need and available resources.
Once a scheme is planned it provides SMS and push notifications to inform the community about various government schemes.
Additionally, it manages training center data, allocating candidates to different centers for skill development.

Tech Stacks

HTML, CSS, JavaScript


This is deployed on the official servers of the Maharashtra government, ensuring accessibility and data security.
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