Best Vape Mod For The Money 2019 | License to Vape

Lisa Musser

Content Writer



Google Docs



The Best Affordable Vape Mods

Overview 🔎
The project was to create content for a vaping website that highlights the best products in the form of in-depth reviews and personal experiences from writers who are also vapers. We wanted to clear up the misconceptions and give those looking for vapor products accurate advice.
We need more informative articles out there to give prospective vapers a clear understanding of how some of the devices work, how to choose their nicotine levels, PG or VG-based juices, and reviews of the best tanks to use with moderate to high wattage mods. One topic that many people overlook is the proper inhale/exhale technique for MTL tanks as well as RDAs. That was a big one for me as it took me a while to catch on to the different ways of doing it. It really does affect how well you enjoy your vaping experience.
Process 🛣
A lot of our work was collaborative between me and the website developers and product vendors. We used Basecamp originally for communications and later switched to Airtable. I was able to learn a few new things along the way like simple coding and using spreadsheets.
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Posted Jul 29, 2022

Here’s a fact: Vape Mods can be pretty expensive investments. This is why it’s important to be a bit more careful when it comes to choosing—or, at the very






Content Writer



Google Docs



Lisa Musser

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