Social Media Strategy Plan - Dusseau & Co.

Quinn Foster

Brand Strategist
Marketing Strategist
Social Media Marketer
Google Apps
Google Slides
Dusseau and Company, LLC

Social Media Strategy Plan Case Story


Dusseau and Company is a full-service product development company that specializes in designing and developing software applications for impact-driven startup businesses and venture funds.


Dusseau and Company’s current social media presence is little to nonexistent.

The company needed an addition to its marketing team to bring its social media presence to life.

Dusseau and Company inquired about a social media strategist to:

  • Build a brand presence.
  • Strategize relevant content.
  • Showcase past work.
  • Share client testimonials.
  • Engage prospective clients.
  • Decipher which social media platforms to prioritize.


Quinn Foster delivered an extensive and elaborative social media strategy presentation (with over 40 concise slides).

The presentation was designed, researched, and tailored specifically to Dusseau and Company’s:

  • Sector
  • Brand
  • Goals
  • Message
  • Mission

Quinn Foster offered a 30-minute follow-up virtual meeting to ensure the satisfaction of Dusseau and Company.


The presentation offered the team deep insight into:

  • Various social media management platform tools.
  • Relevant social media sites.
  • The best days and times to post on social media.
  • Who to follow in their industry.
  • Relevant content types and more.

Quinn Foster is the new Social Media Manager at Dusseau and Company.

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