E-commerce store Mobile UI Retrofit

Obinwanne Hill

Web Designer
UX Engineer
Web Developer
HD Buttercup
HD Buttercup is a furniture retailer based in the west coast of the United States.
At the time of our engagement, their online store was powered by Magento Enterprise. Magento is a robust e-commerce platform, but at said time it was not natively mobile-friendly. It is also built on PHP and heavily skewed towards the backend. This makes making frontend optimisations a serious challenge.
They needed their website to be mobile-friendly and we worked on a solution to make this possible. Using restive.js, an open-source mobile-friendly toolkit, we created a new Magento theme –– based on their existing one –– then added multiple frontend updates in CSS.
After the work was complete, their site was natively mobile-friendly, and we significantly improved their site's performance from the low 30s to the high 70s [using metrics from Google Pagespeed Insights].
Note: HD Buttercup has since transitioned their eCommerce platform to Shopify
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