
Alfredo Guenzani




Creative Writer

Google Drive

My goal was to write realistic and usable scripts for an Oracle-type character. To do that I researched the Forer Effect, which is the tendency to accept a general personality description as highly accurate and deeply meaningful, and the hot and cold reading techniques deployed by fortune tellers. Below are some of the final products.
I see you are an intelligent communicator. Sometimes the expectations you have from others, and yourself, can be a little unrealistic, but driven by well-meaning wishful thinking. Don’t worry, the love you give shall be returned. I see your life heading in a positive direction, perhaps the beginning of a new chapter, or the coronation of your efforts. When one day you will find yourself flying very high, you will need all of your wisdom not to fall.
I see a struggle to find equilibrium within opposing forces in your life. You should relax, enjoy the moment, and don't be afraid to commit yourself to your positive thoughts. Before you know it you will be looking at everything with greater clarity, and the right equilibrium might even rise naturally to the surface. Remember that there is great value in sharing a little bit of yourself with others, they often have more in common with you than you think.
Something that was holding you back from fully expressing your potential will soon start fading away, you’ll feel free and powerful. But please, also remember that some of the rewards will only be evident in the long run. Harness your strength, harness your genuine affection for the people close to you, and I see great things coming your way.
I see a marked increase in tempo in your affairs, perhaps is happening already. Travel every chance you get, start your next project without further ado, commit, and be resolute. You must also be aware of a risk within this powerful forward motion, that being the temptation to alienate yourself from what’s around you. Keep being emotionally generous, at the end of the day will be the simple, beautiful moments that will make you happy.
I understand that sometimes you feel lost, but you shouldn’t worry. The future holds great things for you. Don’t be afraid to dare, you might discover new skills, strangers might become important positive agents of progress, and exploring the unknown might hold the secret to the next big chapter of your life. Have fun, you deserve it. At the end of the day, you are your harshest judge. 
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Posted Apr 23, 2024

The product of this research and scriptwriting work was meant to be performed to the unassuming guests of an experience.






Spark Cooperative




Creative Writer

Google Drive