X Marks the Spot

Alfredo Guenzani


Game Designer

Creative Director

Creative Writer

Adobe Suite

Google Drive

X Marks the Spot is a choose-your-own-adventure tabletop game I created for Virgin Voyages. The game is contained in a treasure chest and it is meant to be played by a team of four people; the players have to solve the mystery of an ancient treasure and explore a magical remote island by using a choose-your-own-adventure graphic novel to navigate a plot that is not short of riddles and challenges.
X Marks the Spot can be played by one team against the game, or by multiple teams of four competing on speed and points against the clock and each other.
"In the heart of the dense jungle, a narrow path wound its way through towering trees and tangled undergrowth. You march on, your footsteps muffled by the thick carpet of leaves that blanketed the forest floor. Shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the dense canopy overhead, dappling the ground with patches of light and shadow. Birds chirped and monkeys chattered in the branches above, their voices blending with the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. Ahead, you can hear the distant roar of a waterfall."
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Posted Apr 22, 2024

The narrative-driven board game I created for Virgin Voyages.






Virgin Voyages


Game Designer

Creative Director

Creative Writer

Adobe Suite

Google Drive