Literary Construction and Understanding - Old Man and the Sea

Alexis Ada Adamonis

Critical Reading

In normal circumstance, the author’s voice leaking into characters would be criticized as bad or immature writing, but Hemingway’s purposeful use of his own speech clarifies the story’s status as an allegory of not just Hemingway’s (partly-to-be) experiences, but all of ours. Here, not only is Santiago an everyman, as is critical common knowledge, but so is Manolin.

I break down and criticize Hemingway's literary classic The Old Man and the Sea. I spent a week writing, reading, annotating, and analyzing the novella, culminating in a 13 page essay highlighting its greatness, shortcomings, and major themes. I compare what other literary critics have written on the novella with my own interpretation, and compare the novella's themes to those of Absurdism.
This work of literary criticism is a great example of my ability to critically read and break down text to look at its soul - something that goes beyond simple proofreading but I believe is necessary for drafts to be developed into full, great works.
Read “We were born lucky,” Santiago and Himself
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