Interactive Portfolio Showcase

Adaeze Ndupu

Frontend Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS
A modern, performant portfolio website built with Next.js 13 and TailwindCSS. Features include responsive design, optimized images using Next.js Image component, SEO optimization with meta tags and JSON-LD, smooth animations with tailwindcss-animated, and automated deployment to Netlify. The architecture emphasizes clean code organization and component reusability.

Technical Stack:

Next.js 13 as the core framework
React 18 for component-based architecture
TailwindCSS for styling
JavaScript for functionality
Netlify for deployment

Key Features:

Responsive design for all device sizes
Optimized image loading with Next.js Image component
SEO optimization with meta tags and JSON-LD
Smooth animations using tailwindcss-animated
Automated deployment workflow

Architecture Highlights:

Clean component organization
Reusable components
Modern build system
Performance optimizations
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