Medbot AI

Adaeze Ndupu

Frontend Engineer
Ant Design
This AI-driven system offers symptom analysis and diagnosis guidance. Users input symptoms, and the AI refines the process with targeted questions. It generates a detailed report covering potential causes, risks, preventive measures, and treatment suggestions.

Technologies Used

Frontend Framework:
Next.js 13 (React-based framework)
React 18
Redux Toolkit for state management
Next-Auth for authentication
Styling and UI:
Tailwind CSS for styling
Ant Design (antd) component library
Custom components
Responsive design with mobile-first approach
Slick Carousel for interactive slideshows
Development Tools:
ESLint for code quality
PostCSS for CSS processing
JWT for token-based authentication
Axios for API requests

Architecture & Design

Project Structure:
Modern Next.js architecture with /src organization
Component-based architecture with reusable UI components
Separate directories for:
Store (Redux)
Hooks (Custom React hooks)
Context (React Context)
User authentication system
Interactive UI with carousel/slider functionality
Form handling with React Hook Form
Print functionality (react-to-print)
Responsive design across devices
State management with Redux
API integration
Design Philosophy:
Clean and modern UI using DM Sans font
Component modularity for maintainability
Separation of concerns with organized directory structure
Interactive elements for better user engagement
Mobile-responsive design

Notable Features

Protected routes with middleware
Custom hooks for reusable logic
Global state management
Dynamic routing with Next.js
Custom layouts system
Data persistence
Interactive UI components
Print functionality for reports/documents


Configured for Netlify deployment
Environment variables management
Production-ready build setup
Partner With Adaeze
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