Open Source Software - MELTr

Erik Decker


Graphic Designer

Visual Artist

Software Engineer





For manual visualization of live music This program allows the user to create trippy/psychedlic visuals that go along with music either playing out of a speaker, or being performed live.
This was created out of the need for an open-source VJ (Visual Jockey) program as the current market only contains niche products, or hyper expensive multi-faceted ones.


To create a VJ program the is resource efficient, easy to use, and highly customizable.

Getting Started

The current configuration is as follows ny default:
Once the program starts a white window will appear, as well as a small window. The larger white window is the rendering surface which displays the graphics generated by the program. Once it does, Press the SPACE bar and it will toggle the draw thread. For a simple test, presses the keys: / ' 2 d s a SPACE In that order, to get started.


The CommandFrame is a seperate window launched by pressing SHIFT+ENTER after the main window appears This window allows you to control the program via that window without keyboard input
NOTE: It is recommended that you either have a large screen, or a multi-monitor setup when using both the main window (GFrame) and the CommandFrame as both on the same screen can be unintuitive.
Preferences/Configuration of CommandFrame is loaded from /res/custom_frame.txt For more info about setting up a custom CommandFrame, refer to /about_custom_frame.txt

Spout Support

As per Reddit user scootunit Spout support has been added Credits to the code for Spout integration goes to SpoutProcessing
NOTE : *Currently Spout is ON by default. This will be changed in future commits/releases. *
For Spout to properly display the contents of GFrame, maximize the tiny window the appeas at program start. Meltr does not act as a receiver, only a sender for Spout.
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Posted Jan 17, 2024

Visual Jockey Program coded in Java that allows for real-time video creation, streaming, and customization. Completely free and Open Source.






Graphic Designer

Visual Artist

Software Engineer




3D Rendering: Simulation
3D Rendering: Simulation
Motion Media
Motion Media
Web Design
Web Design
Branding: Deep Roots Collective
Branding: Deep Roots Collective