Parenting App

Rizky Amelinda


Mobile Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer


Tentang Anak is a parenting app, providing a one stop solution child development, combining Indonesia's best pediatric and early childhood development practitioners to provide curation of science-backed products and services for children's physical and mental development.


Designing a seamless user journey for TentangAnak users for their discovering process of educational information.


In this study, educational information will be interpreted as how users will be able to discover and interact with articles provided within the TentangAnak app. This assessment will be more focused on evaluating processes happened in user journey.

Customer Journey

This customer journey is created based on closed interview with 3 young moms aged 26-30 who are all office workers. Some of them shared that the most intense phase of them to use parenting app was during their pregnancy and post-labor time, when they felt the most vulnerable, lack of guidance, and worried of their new life as a mother.

User Persona

Persona is a representation of our user in defining their expectation, concern, and motivation. To empathize with user, we use a user persona whom we may call as Siti.

Customer Journey

Persona Represented: Siti
Main Goal: To read an article and gain information


Based on Siti's experience with TentangAnak App, there are some findings to point out. Findings was not necessarily discovered within the flow, but there are other interesting aspects being pointed out. In this section, finding is going to be categorized based on each phase in the customer journey
"Enter" Phase
"Explore" Phase
"Explore" Phase


Enter Phase

Task Flow

Based on findings and insight gained from customer journey and competitor analysis

Screen flow (low fidelity)

High Fidelity mockup design

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Posted Jul 25, 2024

A parenting app for parents-to-be and parents






Mobile Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer

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