Rakamin is a career-focused learning platform to helptalents in Indonesia to improve their career, achieve theirdream job. Rakamin offers certification, transferringknowledge about career preparation, self-development,etc.
In this study, Rakamin is looking into enhancing theirusers' experience within their newest product, VirtualInternship Experience (VIX) .
Cause of Problems
Root cause #1: Talents are not aware of VIX VIPbenefits.(more reinforcement in information)
Root cause #2: Talents do not feel that VIX VIPbenefits are worth the price.
Root cause #3: Talents not encouraged to chooseVIX VIP andprefer basic access(why do people prefer basic access?)
How might we help users to educate them about VIX VIP?
How might we encourage users to choose the VIX VIP tier instead of the basic tier?
How might we define seamless user journeywhile educating, encouraging, and helping them to enroll VIX VIP?
In this section we do ideation of what might be the issue of the current systemand evaluate all possible kind of solution to take on these challenges
What we have right now
The current website has been doing a very good job in delivering all the information usersneed. However, to enhance their experience, we have to minimalize possible limitation thatkeep user from doing so
Empathy Map
To empathize with user, we use a userpersona whom we may call as Defri. Hejust freshly graduated from university,earing a computer science degree, andlooking to change his career path tobecome a UI/UX designer
(mini) Journey Map
From the mini journey map, we can draw some points of what user most likely want toachieve and what they need to do in order to achieve their goals
Proposed Solution
(Landing Page Revamp)
1. Landing PageReinforcement
Creating a headline that uses the mostlikely eye-catching keywords for internshipseekers
Counter Block for credibility boost of whatthe program has successfully achieved
chatbox expanded
2. More Introduction to the product
Creating more content to dive deeper intowhat VIX actually is, how does it work,testimonials from the mentor, the students, theindustry practicians that supports thetrustworthiness and prospect to the program
3. Having user tocompare benefitsoffered by VIP andregular programs
Through comparison, user can deliberatelyanalyze what kind of benefit they are going toobtain in different service (in this case VIP-paid, and free)
4. Newsletter
Newsletter helps both users to keep beinginformed of any news, also marketing team togain more information to attract and follow upfuture potential customers
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Posted Dec 13, 2023
Rakamin is a career-focused learning platform to helptalents in Indonesia to improve their career, achieve their dream job