PayPal - Summary Page

Ulises Garcia

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Product Designer
I had the pleasure to work at PayPal as a Senior Software Engineer, working on the most visited page in the PayPal ecosystem the "Summary Page", it's the page where users have full visibility on their accounts, being able to see things like balances, financial instruments, activity and more.
Working as a Full-stack Engineer, I had the opportunity to use technologies or tools like Node.js, React.js, Typescript, Storybook, and support legacy code written on Backbone.js
PayPal completely redesigned its homepage a few years back and I got to be involved in the process to build an application that would change the layout based on a user's activity and persona. We also tailored the page to be more personalized and p2p centric using various new dynamic customer engagement systems.
I worked closely with the design team to make sure that the experiences were not only beautiful but also followed the best practices for accessibility and usability.


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