C.A.R Window Tint: From no website to high-converting 2 weeks.

Melanie Pinilla


UX Copywriter

Web Designer

UX Designer





Customers weren't able to check out C.A.R Window Tint's online or even find them. Only through Instagram. 😧

❌ No Website Presence: This means you can only show so much through social media. Social media is very essential to marketing and growing your business. However, to be able to have a booking system, showcase your work in their categories with services details, pricing, FAQS, benefits, how it works, testimonials, it can grow your business to the outer space. 🚀
It can also open channels for clients to find you through google, having great SEO with this layout.
❌ Dealing With Repetitive Questions: C.A.R Window Tint would have to answer the same questions all over again which can be time consuming and a bit exhausting.
Even while working with a client tinting or wrapping a car, there's no guarantee the founders can answer all phone calls as their team are busy.
❌ Customer Unable To Book Appointments: Appointments had to be made through messages, calls, and emails.

How did I turn this around? Let me show you ⬇️

✅ Website Presence: A converting website using CMS displaying all car services with their details educating the clients, video of how it works, how it works in 3 steps, type of material being used, duration & warranty, and testimonials.
Added a FAQS section with the MOST common questions to save C.A.R Window Tint's time and their clients.
Generally speaking, being educated on a topic you gain trust and see the person educating you as an authority/expert.
Also, it makes you believe in the idea, that it will work and happen leading you to take action.
More profit, more clients BUT your ideal ones.
✅ Cal Calendar Booking System: You guessed it right! A calendar booking system that makes it so easy to book. You select a time, date, and type of service or car with your contact details, that's all.
C.A.R Window Tint can work, help other clients at the shop, and invest his time elsewhere with more freedom. He simply just receives a notification of the booking confirmation and can pre-qualify the client as well.
Less calls, more appointment bookings, unlikely to miss any calls.

I needed a website urgently. Before meeting Melanie, I had a website done by another designer but he poorly delivered. Once I met Melanie, she made me believe again that there are talented designers but more importantly people that care. She delivered beyond my expectations with attention to detail and care.

-Chrystian Aponte, Founder of C.A.R Window Tint
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Posted Jan 8, 2025

No website, no presence, no marketing, not able to show their services and why they're the best in the city to saving time with a website that works for them.






UX Copywriter

Web Designer

UX Designer





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