Case Study: Finseed - A Wellness App Development

erica kosaka


UX Designer

UI Designer


Overview 🔎

In this project, our mission was to create a Wellness app within 10 days. "Finseed" is a financial wellness app designed for people to learn about and manage their finances, earning rewards by accomplishing goals within the app. These rewards consist of experiences and items aimed at assisting individuals in maintaining their health and well-being.

Problem & Solution 🤝

Many people feel uneasy discussing money, lack knowledge about financial matters, and struggle to initiate their learning journey. Additionally, managing expenses poses challenges for many individuals. This can lead to significant stress and frustration, as money plays a crucial role in meeting our basic needs and aspirations. For this reason, our challenge is develop an app that could assist people reduce this money concerns.
We believe that an app that assists people in organizing their finances would be beneficial. Furthermore, incorporating educational resources and offering "well-being gifts" as rewards for achieving financial goals would be a positive aspect of the app. Such an application could empower users to better handle their finances and enhance their overall well-being.

Process 🛣

Results 🎁

The positive aspects of the project, as indicated by the results of the usability test, include:
User-friendly Interface: The project excelled in creating a user-friendly interface that prioritized ease of use and navigation. This aspect ensured that users, regardless of their technological proficiency, could interact with the app effortlessly. The intuitive design contributed to a positive user experience, fostering a sense of comfort and confidence among users.
Engaging: The project succeeded in making the app engaging for users. Through interactive features, compelling content, and a well-thought-out user journey, it captured and maintained users' attention. This engagement not only kept users coming back but also encouraged them to explore various aspects of the app, enhancing its overall utility.
Sociable: The project incorporated sociability features that promoted interaction and community-building among users. These elements encouraged users to connect, share experiences, and collaborate within the app's ecosystem. This sociable aspect not only enriched the user experience but also contributed to a sense of belonging and mutual support among users, reinforcing the app's value proposition.

Takeaways 📣

In this project, starting from ground zero, one of the most valuable lessons we've gleaned is the appreciation of how distinct, demanding, and time-intensive the process of generating new ideas can be. During this initial phase, a significant portion of our time was devoted to deliberating how to merge concepts we admired while also introducing fresh elements to the market. It became apparent that having a structured schedule and meticulously planning each step was crucial to avoid repeating time wastage in the future. This experience also provided us with insights into establishing priorities and centering our focus on meeting our users' needs, which greatly contributed to improved time management.
Regarding the UI design process, it was a rewarding experience to craft a comprehensive visual identity, work with color palettes, define typography styles, organize components, and implement interactive features. However, the most formidable challenge arose when we needed to efficiently accommodate extensive information while maintaining a clean aesthetic. This was especially pronounced when dealing with lengthy texts and the constraints of limited available space, necessitating judicious management.
In conclusion, we've come to recognize that creating a product from scratch is a formidable undertaking that demands meticulous attention to detail and the comprehensive development of each aspect. Despite the challenges, the prospect of exploring numerous possibilities and implementing innovative ideas remains an exciting aspect of this journey. Witnessing our project take shape during the UI phase is undeniably satisfying and reinforces the belief that all our efforts were indeed worthwhile.
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Posted Sep 20, 2023

This project was developed in 10 days by Milena Pupillo and me. The challenge was to develop an app that could assist people in reducing money concerns.






UX Designer

UI Designer


erica kosaka

UX/UI Designer: Product Development & Creative Workflows

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