Chispi - A website Redesign

erica kosaka

UX Designer

UI Designer


Overview 🔎

This project was developed as the final assignment for the Ironhack Bootcamp, where we had the opportunity to collaborate with a cryptocurrency company from South America known as Chispi. The project was executed over a period of two weeks by myself and Milena Pupillo, both of us being UX/UI Designers, in conjunction with Federico, who serves as Chispi's CEO. Federico approached us to implement enhancements to their website.

Problem & Solution 🤝

The company has been facing some challenges related to the usability and trustworthiness of their platform. Users are struggling with an unintuitive interface that presents an overwhelming amount of information in a limited space, making it difficult to understand and navigate. Additionally, the website lacks clarity about the company's purpose, and the technical language used alienates potential clients who are not from the financial field.
• Enhance website content organization for an intuitive user experience. • Clearly convey the company's mission to build reputation and client trust. • Employ simple language for those unfamiliar with financial terms.

Process 🛣

Results 🎁

The positive results of this project were as follows: the successful implementation of a landing page with comprehensive information about the company's purpose, maintaining clean pages for an easy user interface experience and adding more detailed transaction information to provide clients with extra insights about their investments.

I really liked how you organized the website with its clean design and detailed information. It's much clearer to understand the content, and the app is definitely a plus that we should implement as soon as possible. 🗣

Name Federico, CEO at Chispi.

Takeaways 📣

With this project, We were able to improve our time management by dedicating the necessary time to each step of the process. Specifically, during the research phase, I realized that it isn't always a straightforward path; sometimes, we need to go back and forth to complement information and gain new insights. Additionally, we challenged ourselves extensively by developing many components using variables and incorporating a significant amount of quantitative data into the interface.
Furthermore, working on a dark mode screen proved to be challenging. Careful consideration of contrast, font size, and colors is essential. Apart from that, seeing the theory take shape in the prototype is highly satisfying. Receiving positive feedback from stakeholders also marks a noteworthy accomplishment.
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Posted Sep 20, 2023

The redesign of this cryptocurrency website was developed in two weeks by pairs as the Final Project for Ironhack's Bootcamp. The challenge was to improve the w






UX Designer

UI Designer


erica kosaka

UX/UI Designer: Product Development & Creative Workflows

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