Nursing Humor: A lighthearted, sometimes dark, coping strategy

Manal Sarhan, RN

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Nursing Humor: A lighthearted, sometimes dark, coping strategy
I’ve once heard someone say that nursing is like working a retail job but on steroids. The standards of patient care are high and juggling the demands of patients, families, other health professionals and management makes the job physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. It’s no wonder that nurses consistently report high levels of job stress (3).
Working in a post-pandemic health system, the effects are still palpable at the nursing station with nurses being understaffed and overworked. In this era of nursing, work stress is very much alive and well. Nurses who experience stress-induced burnout have been reported to lean towards poor coping mechanisms that involve poor nutritional choices, drinking alcohol, and drug use (3). Given this reality, nurses need to prioritize their health and prevent burnout with effective coping mechanisms.
One such coping mechanism is humor. Studies have shown that humor is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety and alleviate psychological distress (4). Whether you are aware of it or not, you may have used humor or laughed along with a colleague to relieve work stress. You may have found yourself laughing at a social media post that highlighted a very relatable nursing experience. With the rise of nursing influencers and meme culture, many nurses find themselves leaning into humor now more than ever.
Nursing humor has found a home on social media where it has brought nurses together to commiserate over the stressful nature of the job. Those nursing memes that joke about a pizza party that nurses get during nurse week or a pen to commemorate 10 years of service make it feel like you’re not alone and it might get you to laugh off some of those frustrations. In essence, humor has a way of bringing people together and can help nurses keep a positive outlook toward their nursing careers (4).
Something to know about humor is that it can easily turn into dark humor. Dark humor is defined as finding humor in dire, stressful situations which there is no shortage of in nursing (1). An example of this is that after you have experienced something like the loss of a patient or a code blue, you might find yourself taking on a humorous demeanor rather than being in a state of sadness or grief. The good news is that dark humor has been reported to be an effective coping strategy when dealing with stress (1). This type of humor is regarded as an acquired trait and can subconsciously come out in times of stress (1).
Some caution should be taken when using humor, lighthearted or dark, as a coping method. The first is that it is always important to know when and where to share humor, especially in a professional setting. You might remember back in 2022, some nurses lost their jobs after posting their maternity patient ‘icks’ on TikTok. They shared things like, “My ick is when you come in for your induction, talking about, ‘Can I take a shower and eat?’” and "The dad comes outside and asks for a paternity test right outside the room door. (2)”
I think we’re all wondering how these nurses thought that posting this TikTok would be a good idea. As nurses we have a duty of beneficence and in fostering trusting relationships with our patients. If you have the urge to post something on social media, ask yourself if this will bring any benefit to your patients and your team. If it does not, then I advise you not to do it. Humor should be a coping mechanism that relieves your stress but not at the cost of others' well-being (1).
Another cautionary point about using humor is that humor can be a way of suppressing your feelings and avoiding confrontation with your anxiety (1). The consequence of not confronting your emotions will lead to eventual burnout. If your job is very demanding and a constant source of stress in your life, then it’s important to always take stock of your emotions and to notice when you need a break. Although humor can be a great coping mechanism, you might find that you need more support to overcome workplace trauma and chronic stress. In this case, seek out professional counseling, talk to your manager, or confide in a good friend to find actionable solutions.
In your role as a nurse, you will come to find a coping strategy for workplace stress that works for you. And after reading this post you might even realize that humor is your coping mechanism. I hope that nurses keep using humor to boost their morale and cope with the intense nature of the job. I’d love to hear your perspective on humor as a coping strategy. Let me know if you think that humor has a place in your workplace and at what point you think humor crosses the line. Keep smiling, the world needs nurses, like you, with heart.
1. Christopher, Sarah. (2015). An introduction to black humour as a coping mechanism for student paramedics. Journal of Paramedic Practice. 7. 610-615. 10.12968/jpar.2015.7.12.610. Web link: (PDF) An introduction to black humour as a coping mechanism for student paramedics (
2. NBC News. (2022). Nurses at Atlanta hospital under fire over TikTok video mocking maternity patients. Web link: Nurses at Atlanta hospital under fire over TikTok video mocking maternity patients (
3. Roberts RK, Grubb PL. The consequences of nursing stress and need for integrated solutions. Rehabil Nurs. 2014 Mar-Apr;39(2):62-9. doi: 10.1002/rnj.97. Epub 2013 May 21. PMID: 23696492; PMCID: PMC4664060. Web link: The Consequences of Nursing Stress and Need for Integrated Solutions - PMC (
4. Simione L, Gnagnarella C. Humor Coping Reduces the Positive Relationship between Avoidance Coping Strategies and Perceived Stress: A Moderation Analysis. Behav Sci (Basel). 2023 Feb 16;13(2):179. doi: 10.3390/bs13020179. PMID: 36829408; PMCID: PMC9952361. Web link: Humor Coping Reduces the Positive Relationship between Avoidance Coping Strategies and Perceived Stress: A Moderation Analysis - PMC (
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