Youtube Video: Top 10 Ways To Build Confidence

Kiara Dutchin

Content Writer
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[Youtube Video Script]
Top 10 Ways To Build Confidence 
Duration: 5-6 minutes 
My confidence journey was simple: I tried a lot of different strategies. Some were successful, some failed. However, I’m here to help you save some time by sharing my 5 favorite ways to help build confidence within yourself. These are all tips and methods that you can start using today to become the dream version of yourself. Let’s get straight into it.”
Self Compassion (Pops up on screen)
“Number 1: Practice having compassion for yourself. This one is so easy yet so often overlooked. Think about this- would you berate your friend everytime they make a mistake? If not, then why do you do it to yourself? We are all human and we all make mistakes. Give yourself the kindness, patience, and forgiveness that you would give to other people. This will lay the foundation for self confidence by allowing yourself to rest in the idea that it is ok to not be perfect. 
Setting Achievable Goals (Pops up on screen)
“Number 2:  Setting achievable goals. Think of your journey to confidence as a marathon, not a sprint. It’s easy to become intimated or anxious by the overall goal which is why it’s better to break it down into steps. This makes each task manageable and allows you to track how much progress you are making. And the best part of this is the satisfaction you will feel knowing that you are one step closer to becoming your most confident self.
Learn Your Strengths (Pops up on screen)
“Number 3: Learn what your strengths are and embrace them. Take a moment and write down all the things you are good at. You can include your accomplishments too; anything that makes you feel proud. This helps you acknowledge all of the good qualities you have, and what makes you unique. Staying focused on your strengths boosts your self awareness and self appreciation, which brings you closer to your ideal level of confidence.
Positive Self Talk (Pops up on screen)
“Number 4: Speak positively to yourself. Your inner dialogue can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. The part to remember about this is that you have the power to decide. Everytime a negative thought comes up, challenge it, and replace it with something positive. Keep doing this repeatedly and soon you will notice your mind has been rewired. It has been molded into a space of positivity that believes in all of your capabilities. This is a surefire way to boost your self confidence. 
Leaving Your Comfort Zone (Pop up on screen)
“ And the last confidence tip: Number 5 leaving your comfort zone. The only way to grow and improve yourself is to step away from your everyday activities, and push yourself into something new. Try tasks that you would normally shy away from, activities you are afraid of, and challenges you have been procrastinating to achieve. You will be able to test your self confidence by observing whether or not you are able to complete these activities that you would have never tried before. 
“And that brings us to the end of this video, I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you don’t take anything else from this video just remember that confidence can truly change your life, and transform you into a completely different person. The person you want to be is not that far away. If you are not already subscribed, be sure to do that now, so you can watch more of these types of videos on my channel. I hope you have a lovely day and I will see you in my next video!
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