Directory of women and dissidents - Website

Mati Fernandez

Web Designer
UX Designer
Web Developer
Adobe Illustrator
Mujeres Haciendo Eco

Mujeres Haciendo Eco, a website that connects artists 👩🏼‍🎤

Mujeres Haciendo Eco is a directory for women and dissidents in the paraguayan music industry that aims to give visibility to artists.

For this redesign, we focused on organizing the page for better navigation, but maintaining the company's style.

You can find the following pages:

  1. Home
  2. 404
  3. About Us
  4. Directory (CMS)
  5. Projects
  6. Allies
  7. Press releases
  8. Profile management
  9. Contact + Typeform

Also, adaptations were made to optimize visualizations on different types of screens.

Project carried out with the basic Framer plan ☝🏽

See the home page below 👇🏽 or in the following link

Full page capture

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