Created a free to use finance template on Notion that earned 50+ downloads. Features including full view of incomes, expenses, all accounts, budgeting, and more!
The complete overview of the pages in this template are the following:
Dashboard: The homepage of this template. This page shows a section of shortcuts to all pages in this template, current balance of all accounts, an overview of recent incomes, expenses, finance goals, and current spending status/progress of monthly budgets.
Accounts: This page within this template shows all of the accounts and additional info for each individual accounts, including starting balance, current balance, total expenses, total income, monthly expenses, monthly income, and more. Within each account page, monthly reports of the account can be generated, and all expenses and incomes for each accounts can be viewed.
Income: This page includes a view of recent, monthly, and a list of the history of all incomes separated by year.
Expenses: This page includes a view of recent, monthly, and a list of the history of all expenses separated by year.
Categories: This page shows all of the categories used for budgeting, including transportation, Health & Wellness, Bills & Utilities, and much more! All categories show a progress bar which defines how much budget has used per month. This page also includes a database where users can insert the monthly budget.
Transfers: This page shows the recent and history records of transfers between accounts and finance goals.
Goals: For this page, users can create different finance goals, such as emergency funds or a new cellphone, then transfer their funds to keep track. Each goal has a unique progress bar for easy tracking.
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Posted Mar 11, 2024
Created a free to use finance template for easy accounting tracking. This template has earned 50+ downloads.