A Reflection on some of my favorite pieces.

Moors Orugaagii

Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Art Board Studio

CBD Sparkling Water.
CBD Sparkling Water.

This is my favorite logo design due to how the idea coalesced while I was in Illustrator. Every since, I strive to get back into that flow state.

I still need one of these.
I still need one of these.
A 4-pack packaging to stand out on the shelves amongst stiff competition.
A 4-pack packaging to stand out on the shelves amongst stiff competition.

I love working with brands that reflect my values

CBD & Dark choclate...yum!
CBD & Dark choclate...yum!
Exploring the right color-to-flavor combinations for connoisseurs and casuals alike
Exploring the right color-to-flavor combinations for connoisseurs and casuals alike
It's important to embrace diversity in the CBD industry due to the historical war on minority communities.
It's important to embrace diversity in the CBD industry due to the historical war on minority communities.

The following two were challenges stuck in my craw and I am happy I kept sculpting them, iteration after Iteration over months at a time. Often designs stay with me for years, if time permits I continue to refine them until they hit the mark for the intended audience.

Flouride-free toothpaste brand for a member-only hospitality brand.
Flouride-free toothpaste brand for a member-only hospitality brand.
I appreciate the mentorship and direction from Brian Collins on this one.
I appreciate the mentorship and direction from Brian Collins on this one.

The client needed a bottle label in under 2 days and I delivered 4 variants for them to choose from the next day. They went on to have a successful event where they sold out.

Honey WIne handmade in Yucatan, Mexico.
Honey WIne handmade in Yucatan, Mexico.

I am also a skilled UX practitioner, advocate & mentor. This paired with the added insight of business strategy ensures that I'm not just another creative in the room but someone who stands firmly with one leg in each world.

Screenshot of FIgjam session for building an event app for a private Web3-powered clubhouse
Screenshot of FIgjam session for building an event app for a private Web3-powered clubhouse
Dashboard for a crypto exchange serving web3 workers seeking immediate spending power.
Dashboard for a crypto exchange serving web3 workers seeking immediate spending power.

Lastly, I have a passionate love for design that goes back to staying up late at the age of 20, learning how to use a cracked version of Photoshop on a refurbished Mac I hustled to obtain while making $9.50/hr at ShakeShack and dropping out of college to venture into the unknown because I was following my heart.

MX monogram for Mexico.
MX monogram for Mexico.
Streetwear Designs that reflect the decade of experience I have in the bag.
Streetwear Designs that reflect the decade of experience I have in the bag.
My venture in the 3D space includes tools such as Clo3d and Blender.
My venture in the 3D space includes tools such as Clo3d and Blender.
The flag I wave as I stride in my purpose.
The flag I wave as I stride in my purpose.

Thank you. You can reach me at ewart@orugaagii.com

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Posted Jun 28, 2024

12 years ago I fell for design. With your ideas and my expertise, we can engage in a dance of strategy and creativity led by our collective vision.






Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Art Board Studio

Moors Orugaagii

Expressive Style for Extraordinary Websites

A Decade of Creative Mastery
A Decade of Creative Mastery
From Stagnation to Sensation
From Stagnation to Sensation
Wilder SelfCare
Wilder SelfCare