Product Images for an Amazon Store (Mushroom Rug)🍄

Mohammad Ramadan


Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

eCommerce Marketer

Adobe Photoshop

Amazon Brand Analytics


Transformed phone-shot photos into professional Amazon product images🛒, saving time on photography for a rug brand called (BeauWoven)
Photo of the product live on Amazon
Photo of the product live on Amazon
Main image
Main image
Product dimensions and main features (Infograph)
Product dimensions and main features (Infograph)
The main features with photos for clarifying (Infograph)
The main features with photos for clarifying (Infograph)
Photo of the product in the bathroom. Edited on photoshop (Lifestyle)
Photo of the product in the bathroom. Edited on photoshop (Lifestyle)
The product from different angle (Lifestyle)
The product from different angle (Lifestyle)
The product from a close perspective (Infograph)
The product from a close perspective (Infograph)
Important tips to take care of the product (Infograph)
Important tips to take care of the product (Infograph)
This Link includes Two Galleries – 'What I Got' (the phone-shot photos that were used to create the final images) & 'What I Made' (results/the same photos you just saw above), open it in a new tab:
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Posted Nov 20, 2024

This project includes Two Galleries – 'What I Got' (the phone-shot photos I used to creat the final images) & 'What I Made' (results), delivering great results.






Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

eCommerce Marketer

Adobe Photoshop

Amazon Brand Analytics


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Presentation Design 🔐👨‍💻
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Product Images for an Amazon Store (Measuring cups and spoons)🥐
Product Images for an Amazon Store (Measuring cups and spoons)🥐