Joobs Mobile app

Emil Mammadov


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


About Project

Joobs is a mobile app project that focuses on creating a job matching platform distinct from the traditional job search process. The platform employs an algorithm based on the relevant experience and skills of the job seeker. The initial concept involves a Tinder-like swiping mechanism to connect job seekers with opportunities that align with their skills and experience.

Problem Statement

In today's competitive job market, individuals face significant challenges when searching for employment opportunities, whether through traditional methods such as physically visiting job fairs and networking events or utilizing online platforms like job search websites and social media. These challenges include: Lack of Visibility, Skill mismatch, Resume Screening Bottleneck

A Strategy and Solution

Given that the job search process can be tough and stressful for job seekers, the strategy behind the project is to eliminate this stress by creating a Tinder-inspired swiping interface. With this interface, users can apply for different jobs just by swiping right. This approach will result in a less stressful and more joyful process. Additionally, since job search is time-consuming, the Joobs app offers its users the ability to find a job based on skill and experience matches. Moreover, the app's customizable search preferences ensure that users receive personalized job recommendations tailored to their individual preferences and requirements, enhancing the overall relevance and satisfaction of their job search experience. The solution focused on enhancing user-centered design, providing a job search experience based on skill and experience matches, ensuring clear navigation, streamlining the application process, and offering a personalized experience within the app for search preferences. Additionally, the solution emphasized clear, bright, and playful interface for job listings to increase user engagement.
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Posted Nov 18, 2024

Joobs is a mobile app project that focuses on creating a job matching platform distinct from the traditional job search process. The platform employs an algorit






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


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