ZSRH Litigation Lawyers Brand Identity & Website Design

Harleen Kohli


Brand Designer

Web Designer

UX Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Wix Studio

ZSRH Litigation Lawyers specialize in personal injury and insurance litigation. They approached us to create a professional online presence that reflects their expertise and builds trust with clients.
We designed a cohesive brand identity that showcases their commitment to client advocacy, along with a user-friendly website that they can easily manage and expand as their team grows. This ensures they have a strong, consistent presence online as they continue to evolve.
Website: zsrhlaw.ca
Click here to see more project details and photos.
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ZSRH Litigation Lawyers specialize in personal injury and insurance litigation. They approached us to create a professional online presence that reflects ...






Brand Designer

Web Designer

UX Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Wix Studio

Harleen Kohli

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