Download and install Istio using the provided script.
Verify the installation:
istioctl version kubectl get pods -n istio-system
Deploy a Sample Application:
Deploy the Bookinfo application using the provided command.
Verify the deployment:
kubectl get pods
Enable Istio Injection:
Enable Istio sidecar injection for the default namespace.
Redeploy the Bookinfo application to include Istio sidecars.
🔍 Detailed Example Explanation:
Istio Components:
Pilot: Manages traffic routing and service discovery.
Mixer: Enforces access control and usage policies.
Citadel: Manages certificates and identities for securing communication.
Galley: Manages configuration validation.
Envoy Proxy:
Each service has an Envoy proxy deployed as a sidecar, handling all inbound and outbound traffic. The proxies enforce policies and collect telemetry data.
💡 Benefits for Enterprise Applications:
Traffic Management: Control the flow of traffic and API calls between services.
Security: Secure service-to-service communication with mutual TLS.
Observability: Collect metrics, logs, and traces to monitor service performance.
Resilience: Implement retries, timeouts, and circuit breakers to increase fault tolerance.
📚 Additional Concepts and Examples:
📑 Traffic Shifting:
Gradually shift traffic between different versions of a service.