Jelena Vujinovic


Art Director

Graphic Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop


My first deep-dive into the design world

The apprenticeship at Wunderman (meanwhile grown into Wunderman Thompson) which I successfully completed in the form of my first contact with a world-renowned digital agency marks a very special step in my career.
During my time as a Junior Art Director in training I was offered major work opportunities which in retrospect impacted my skillset tremendously.
Working for Wunderman's main Big Tech-client Microsoft catalyzed my art director expertise to a new level. I was able to create and prepare various branding-compliant online and print products for the German market and participate in training courses and internal company events. The highlight of my journey there was working on the release campaign for the Surface Book and helping to set up the event presentation for the product launch in Germany (you can watch the US-equivalent here).
During my time at the partner office in Frankfurt I was able to support the Lufthansa creative team in developing various print products like leaflets, posters and brochures which provided me with the valuable insight into the final artwork processes.
By joining the Wunderman MINI Deutschland social media team my superiors gave me the space to support managing their Instagram page for the duration of a year. As a member was responsible for co-planning the content of numerous campaigns in cooperation with responsible project managers as well as visualizing the posts themselves.
As previously mentioned I was part of the Frankfurt-based creative team where I firstly got in contact with Deutsche Bahn. My apprenticeship team was given the chance to create a BahnCard project-relevant pitch in competition with an external marketing student team and we successfully claimed the opportunity for the Wunderman family.
Lastly I'd like to present a mentionable project for ProSieben: the collaboration on the release of the Asus Pro Sieben Entertainment Pad. The Senior Art Directors responsible for the Munich-based client took me under their wing and allowed me to co-work on the interface of the one-time-drop of the unique Memo Pad 8 which ultimately provided me with my first ever touchpoint with UI.
My Wunderman stage had a great impact on the course of my career overall – the interchange with international clients provided me with the chance to grow not only professionally but also in a long-lasting personal way which I will always be grateful for.
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Posted Nov 3, 2023

My first deep-dive into the design world








Art Director

Graphic Designer

UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop
