I will solve or create formulas for ms excel and google sheets

Md Nazmul Hoque


Data Entry Specialist

Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

solve or create formulas for ms excel and google sheets
solve or create formulas for ms excel and google sheets

About this project

Welcome to my Project
I am here to save you time and energy on spreadsheets, whether it is Google Sheets or Excel.
You can check out my Contra profile and reviews about my services and I am open to negotiation.
*** Before ordering Please you MUST contact me with your requirements,
So that I can confirm if the task/project is possible from my end, also we can discuss the Delivery Time and Price that is suitable for you.
What I can do:
Fix or Create different kinds of formulas
Automated report/dashboard
Creating spreadsheets from scratch
Fix your existing google sheet
Complicated formulas (Vlookup, Hlookup Index Match, Importrange, COUNTIF/COUNTIFS, IF/SUMIF/SUMIFS/IFERROR/SUMPRODUCT, etc.)
Fixing up #DIV/0, #N/A, #NAME?, #NULL!, #NUM!, #REF!, AND #VALUE! Error in Excel Sheet.
Conditional formatting
Complicated Queries
Pivot tables & Chart
Linking with other Sheets and Google Forms
Invoice/Report PDF from Sheet
Find Duplicates
Filtering any large data
Data Entry Automation
Convert Excel to PDF
and many more (ask)
Note: Feel free to details discussion before placing the order so that I can provide you with professional work.
Development technology
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Posted Feb 11, 2024

Will provide Data Processing services and solve or create formulas for MS Excel and google sheets






Data Entry Specialist

Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

I will solve or create formulas for ms excel and google spreads…
I will solve or create formulas for ms excel and google spreads…
I will do accurate data entry jobs with Excel and word
I will do accurate data entry jobs with Excel and word