Website redesign + some e-commerce

Milena P.


Visual Designer

Web Designer

UI Designer


Honey from Uppsala

This is a project that I worked on for a local honey producer. I found his website and offered him to work together. I wanted to create something that is not base on the typical e-commerce platforms but a simple website where people can potentially order honey.
Before and after
Before and after

How the website looked like

This was the website that he has build with very limited HTML and CSS skills.
A website that my client build with limited HTML and CSS knowledge
A website that my client build with limited HTML and CSS knowledge
Another page that he created
Another page that he created


As you can see from the screenshots above, there is no logo, inconsistent use of colors and color combinations, text alignment, image and text alignment, etc.
The design and the way this website is build doesn't create trust and like I told him: "I don't know about your clients but I will never order anything from a website that looks like this".
Luckily, this website didn't handled any user data. So, even if someone tries to order something they get to a page where they can pay through a mobile and then they have to send him a message with the order and how to get the products... or just call.

Inspiration and basic wireframes

I started by gathering inspiration from other designs. I looked for other honey producers and I noticed they all use a shade of yellow color, which is usually what is related to honey.
Inspirational screenshots of other website of honey producers.
Inspirational screenshots of other website of honey producers.
Wireframes of the website
Wireframes of the website


With the inspiration and wireframes in front of me, I started the design and this is how it looks:
Final design
Final design
This is the page with the products:
Products page - redesigned
Products page - redesigned
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Posted Jan 25, 2025

Redesign of a simple website for a local honey producer with potential e-commerce possibilities.






Visual Designer

Web Designer

UI Designer


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