Mahal Thrift | Branding Kit

Jaya Duhaylongsod

Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Google Apps

Mahal Thrift was looking for a rebrand as they have grown and was relocating from NorCal to SoCal.

I love our first logo so much, I would love a grown up version of it.

Mahal Thrift Business Card / Tag (2020)

Original business card with logo for Mahal Thrift est. 2020.

Sticking with the same color palette as before, I created visual assets of persimmons and bubbly text to give the brand more warmth and friendliness that would age well and be versatile but stand out in many environments.

Mahal Thrift 2.0

Brand identity sheet with visual assets, font family pairings, brand colors, and logos in various color ways.

Not pictured:

The above assets were all utilized on the new business card, clothing tags, and banner.

Check out @mahalthrift.ko on Instagram!

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