Goodspeed I Designed on Figma, Built on Framer I Agency Site

Goodspeed Studio

Framer Designer

About The Client

This is our website! I left Google to build with no code tools: Figma, Framer and Bubble.

I launched a home cooking marketplace and SaaS tool, and became obsessed with using these design tools to bring new ideas to life.

Initially our site was on Bubble, but I moved it over to Framer for 3 reasons: (1) Loads quicker (2) SEO optimised (3) Beautiful animations

The Result

  • Set up blog with an easy to use CMS
  • Create multiple landing and marketing pages for each service we offer: Framer, Figma, Bubble, AI and more
  • Connects to Bubble with custom code
  • Connect to OpenAI with custom code
  • Optimised the site for SEO

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