H​ow to Get Out of a Reading Rut - Easy Ways to Enjoy Reading

Hailee Gabbard

Blog Writer
Content Writer

As someone who majored in English, and always has a book in hand, people are shocked that this is something that I enjoy doing for long portions of time.

When this happens I get two responses:

(1) I hate reading, I do not understand how you do that all of the time, and

(2) What should I read to get me out of a rut?

Since I am someone who has previously gotten out of this rut I know for a fact that (1) is not true, and I am able to guide person (2) into the next stage of their reading journey. It makes total sense though, reading is something that takes so much time and dedication. People are not just “natural” when it comes to these things. I can admit, getting into the hobby of reading can be daunting and intimidating, but to become a “reader” you just need to know where to start.

1. Make the time.

The first step is being ready to work to fit at least thirty minutes of reading into your daily schedule. When I was first starting to read I made my coffee time coincide with my reading time. This was a time that I was already sitting not doing anything, so it was easier for me to keep up with.

2. Don't just read what you think "readers" read.

The next step is picking out a book you are interested in reading. It might seem like a good idea to pick out a classic, but many times these are outside the reach of many people trying to get back into the swing of reading. When I first started reading again I would try to read books that were outside of my reading level at the time and I had no idea what was going. I promise with more practice this will be something you can do as a reader, but start with something easier. You need to keep exercising this muscle to eventually become addicted to the art of reading itself.

3. Don't spend all of your money.

Once reading becomes a habit you are going to need to keep replenishing your stash of books. Utilizing your local library is going to come in handy for your bank account. I admit, I am guilty of wanting to buy a book anytime I come within ten miles of a bookstore, but it is not attainable with the number of books I am actually reading, and the cost that each book is. I always put the books I am interested in on hold and they come available really quickly. There are also programs through libraries that let you check out audiobooks, or ebooks to read and listen to on the go. (My library uses Libby and it has saved me so much money).

4. Make a game out of it.

Try to make a game out of reading. While you are reading the books, copy down quotes that are phrases that mean something to you. I personally enjoy highlighting and annotating my books, but I also recommend taking pictures of quotes or copying them into your computer as you come across them. This helped me learn how to think critically about the words that I was reading and what they meant to me at this moment in time. It was a journaling exercise as well as a reading. As someone who was prepping to become an English major, also exercising the critical thinking portion of my brain was so helpful in the long run. This was also a super fulfilling part of my day because I was able to see that I have a friend or someone that understood me in the novels that I was reading. Even if it was not meant in the novel in the same way that I took it, these words gave/give me comfort in my everyday life. There is a person out there, fictional or not, (even if they are completely made up in my own head), that gets me and is trying to figure out life in the same way that I am. Someone else out there gets it. There is also something so fun in the way that you can read someone’s words and have them mean something completely different to you than they do to someone else.

Reading has become much more difficult with the rise of social media. Our brains are trained to want instant gratification and quick boosts of serotonin. This is something that books do not fulfill, carving out time in your day and making it a fun journey is the best way to start. Once you are able to do this reading with become that addicting habit in place of mindless scrolling on social media. I can’t wait for you to start your journey, and make sure to have fun with it!

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