Undisclosed name

Ymer Bruti

Product Manager
Product Designer
Product Strategist


Before entering a commercial relationship, businesses tend to perform various checks on prospective clients. This platform facilitates such activity by integrating and streamlining the variety of steps a legal entity must go through to be eligible for a B2B contract. Through highly customizable workflows, a business can determine such steps, their order, and the depth of checks taking place on each.


Lead the market research
Defined the information architecture with the software lead
Identified the main journeys and core behaviors that take place
Determined the theming properties with the dev team
Iterated the possible experience through clickable prototypes
Built the Product Roadmap to streamline and prioritize development
Wrote the user stories following the BDD approach
Designed the UI components and the interface


Desktop experience

Image 1: List of businesses whose stakeholders and legal information are going through a KYB process.
Image 1: List of businesses whose stakeholders and legal information are going through a KYB process.
Dossier details - Company profile
Image 2: Details of the Company profile for the selected company.
Image 2: Details of the Company profile for the selected company.
Dossier details - Identification
Image 3: Details of the Identification check for the selected stakeholder of the company.
Image 3: Details of the Identification check for the selected stakeholder of the company.
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