Dissertation Publication | Showing Your Feelings

Rachel Chan




Editorial Designer

Adobe InDesign


About this project

This dissertation publication is an extant project from my dissertation writing, turning the essay into the style of children’s picture books to drive the visual closer to the writing theme.
The project creates editorial design and illustration with animal character design, presents elements that can go through the whole essay, cooperate with visuals, and develop an illustration style for this project.
As part of my university course, ‘Show Your Feeling Editorial’ was a project that brought me and the illustration with text in a closer way.
The research I have done in the dissertation helps me to understand more about Children’s Picture Books and Children’s development, bringing awareness to the diversity and future development of Children’s Picture Books.

Editorial Design

The theme of this dissertation publication design is to create elements that can go through the whole essay and cooperate with the tone of the ‘children’s picture book feel’ in visuals. 
Because many animation stories will use the natural environment and animal characters as the background, I start with different natural environment illustrations. To bring a visual sense of hierarchy through the text and simultaneously bring out the picture book’s childlike atmosphere. 
The illustration method integrates the childish part of the picture book with the text and presents the printing in an A5 size. Create different environments such as maple leaf forests, seabed and icebergs, and other natural scenery as background illustrations.

Character Design

Animals are a feature element in many picture books and animated stories. Because I want to emphasise the visual in my publication of the picture book, I started different character designs, depicting the characters in a more straightforward and cute flat style.
One of the most significant advantages of animal characters is that they will not be affected by the diversity of races. It is also because I want to avoid having race diversity debates in character design and can focus on discussing how picture books can help children understand their emotions, so most of them are non-human, which is the primary choice for character design.
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Posted Feb 7, 2025

The project creates editorial design and illustration with animal character design, presents elements with the theme of children picture book.








Editorial Designer

Adobe InDesign


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