I started working on this project during the summer of 2022 and really enjoyed the process of working with an artist. The project focused on finding new ways for the artist to expose his work online and diversify the way he was relaying his work. My main role was focused on creating a digital strategy that best fits the artist and pure community management.
Problem & Solution 🤝
At the highest level, the problem I solved was the client's lack of time to focus on a digital strategy and all the technicalities that a community manager works on like hashtag strategy, when to post etc.
Results 🎁
One of the project's main goals was to highlight and promote the artist's upcoming concert at the end of summer. So we had to keep that in mind with content creation and digital strategy. The result was overwhelmingly satisfying as the concert was sold out and the client was happy. We managed to attract a loyal community as well as a new one.
Takeaways 📣
I learned through this project that every client is different and working with someone who is as creative can expose you to an infinite source of creativity.